Just a blog thing.

I guess I'm starting a blog? Why not.

Why a blog? Aren’t they from the 90’s?

Yeah, yeah, I know. Blogs are outdated and nobody reads them. But here’s the thing. As a self-pub author (with dreams of making it big some day, lol,) you need to have a social media presence.

And I suck at social media.

It’s not like I don’t know how to post things. It’s not like that I don’t understand TikTok. I’m from the internet. I get it. Hell, I’m on Discord nearly every second of every day. I just don’t have the freakin’ time. I have a demanding day job that keeps me at around 50 hours a week. Couple that with a husband, a dog, a cat (soon to be two!) and sad attempts at home improvement and other projects, and I just don’t have the bandwidth.

Blog entries seem like something I can pick away at when I remember to do it.

Secondly, and more importantly, is that I honestly that I think I might like to journal my thoughts and feelings as I go down this wacky, bumpy, expensive, glorious, self-publishing road. I get asked for a lot of advice (which I love to give) and this also seems like a great venue for that. Namely, so I don’t have to repeat myself.

So here we are. I’m starting a blog. That I will most likely instantly forget about and abandon.

“But hey, at least I tried.” – My motto of 2021.